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Cloud Native

What is Cloud Native?

Cloud-Native means that an application or a product is designed in such a way that it inherits the advantages of cloud along with the scale, agility, and cost-efficiency. There are many features of a cloud-native application. The three main features are:

  • Microservices Architecture: A microservices is a structure in which an application is a collection of small services each responsible for doing a particular job. These small services are independent of each other and make a complex unit that is more efficient and easy to manage.

  • Containerized infrastructure: Containers encapsulate all the software code and dependencies of microservices into lightweight packages so that they can be tested and deployed on any infrastructure. The benefit of containers is that it is faster and more secure development of applications and features. It is also more reliable and flexible. If there is an issue with a particular microservices, the issue can be isolated and fixed within the container without affecting the entire application.

  • CI/CD development framework : CI/CD is continuous integration & continuous delivery. In CI developers regularly merge their code changes into a central repository, after which automated builds and tests are run to find any issues with any of the components or microservices as early as possible. Continuous delivery means the code is ready at any given time to push to production and goes live when scheduled.

Why Cloud Native is exciting for a learner of DevSecOps?

Cloud Native is exciting for a learner of DevSecOps as it implements development, operations, and security practices in a way that fully integrates with cloud capabilities. A cloud-native implementation uses and secures scalable, dynamic components. This includes containers, microservices, service meshes, declarative APIs, and immutable infrastructures. The various tools, configurations, and systems are managed with automation. This automation enables to quickly and predictably make changes to applications and reduces manual work on repetitive or tedious tasks.